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See what our clients are saying

Sarah, Mother to 9 Month Old 

"Thanks to Claire and her guidance my now 9month old went from waking every hr and only falling asleep on me, to sleeping through the night and having consistent daily naps. Something I never thought possible. I liked that Claire provided me with a few different techniques and we decided what would work for our family, Claire then supported us though it. It was also fantastic to have regular calls and check-ins along with the daily notes on the sleep tracker to help us along the way"

Jemma, Mother to 5 Month Old 


"Claire was so helpful in helping my 5mo to consolidate his day time sleep and stop his serial catnapping. Her level of support was high and her clear communication gave me the confidence to follow the plan easily, so glad I reached out for more help.
Thanks so much for your help Claire."



Georgie, Mother to 4 Month Old


"I cannot thank Claire enough for all her support and encouragement in helping me and my little boy establish a daily routine. She gave me the time, support and confidence to get my little one to self settle, in turn helping to assist with his day naps. Claire has provided so much support and was willing to answer any and all of the questions I had! Her guidance and communication were amazing! Thank you again Claire for everything, the support you provided has been exceptional!"



Lauren, Mother to 7 Month Old


I need to start by saying Claire has been a life saver, she so kindly took me on during an extremely busy time for her and I can’t thank her enough for being so amazing. I almost gave in to thinking my 7mo just wasn’t a “sleeper” and I would be getting up every 2 hours (on a good night) and maybe 2 x 45 min naps during the day for the foreseeable future with an extremely overtired baby.

Claire sent me a detailed sleep analysis taking all the information I’d provided through her client intake form into consideration and tailored options suitable for our situation and left it completely up to me let her know what I was comfortable with and was very clear she would support my chosen method. I even changed my mind after a trail run and she sent me a whole new plan where I saw changes in the first 3 days. I felt responsible for creating these habits in the first place which were hindering my baby’s sleep but Claire was so understanding, and I felt no judgement from her at all. I was also entering into unknown territory with baby rolling and saying goodbye to the swaddle. It was so comforting to have her there to help with the transition.

My goal was to help my baby learn to sleep and not be over tired anymore. She now gets the age-appropriate sleep she needs each day and only wakes 1-2 times a night which is so manageable for me and is better than I expected! I highly recommend Claire to anyone who feels defeated each and every time they try to put bubs to bed like I did!



Claire is a qualified baby sleep consultant in Melbourne helping families achieve better sleep

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